Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nicki Minaj Fan murdered after concert and Then THE CORPSE WAS RAPED did Nicki have anything to do with it????

 According to AMPtv and Mediatakeout have details on Nicki Minaj most shocking news.

Now Nicki Minaj has nothing to do with the charges but her dance crew while touring in japan .
James “King Tight” Blackston 23, a backup dancer, and Larry Perry, a 19 year old musician are being charged with RAPE and possibly with MURDER for the death of a 19 year old Irish Exchange student named Nicola Furlong

It was said that after a Nicki concert Nicola and a friend decided to go home King Tight and Larry after the two girls where drunk.

Nicola ended up being strangled to death and while in the room with Larry and sexual activity was done to the dead corpse, kind of creepy if you ask me.

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