Friday, November 11, 2016

3 Scientifically Proven Tips To Reduce Stress (Article)

As we grow into adulthood, stress begins to plague our lives on a daily basis. Rather its your boss riding you (figuratively, of course), school work, or just the simple fact you've had a bad day. 54 percent of Americans know they have stress problems. We are constantly stressed out and overwhelmed by what life continuously throws at us on the regular.

We've decided to give a few tips on things you can do on a daily basis that doesn't take up too much of you time and have been scientifically proven to help better your mood.

Lets dive right in.

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1. Meditation

As early as 5th century BCE, the ancient Indians were practicing an art which is simply a combination of breathing and clearing the mind. With all the things going on around us constantly, some time it is best to slow down and relax. Meditation, known also as Dhyana, has been used in many forms from Yoga to simply sitting down in a serene environment and soaking in the vibes.

It began as a means of spiritual growth but over time it became secular and began to emphasize stress reduction, relaxation, self improvement. We called it an art because that's exactly what it is. Beginners often quit early because they have no instant gratification, rather they feel they're doing it wrong (which you really can't) or just simply can't clear their mind for long enough.

Once mastered, meditation is a number one way to not only get more in tune with yourself and surroundings, but also helps you relax after (and recommended before) a long day.

2. Exercise

With a large population of the country being over-weight, exercise is always another good place to start. It's a known fact that after a hard day at work, once you hit the gym and get a good work out, chemicals called endorphins rush through your brain. These same endorphins act as naturally induced pain killers that after a huge fight with your girl friend will help relieve the stress.

There are many physically demanding things you can do besides working out, but this is one we thought we'd like to recommend.

3. Write It Down

"Dude, you keep a journal ?"- Writing things down in a journal or diary is a great way to get over a stressing day. It has the capacity to have meditative and reflective results. Being able to look down at why you've been upset and evaluate it can not only help you figure out why you were upset in the first place, but also help you to not be as upset next time around.

Writing out problems is also how some of the best music comes about. You can truly feel the things you write and once they're on the page it isn't so much of a weight on your shoulders any more. Something as simple as a gratitude journal, for instance, or even poetry, can help us all put things into perspective.

Written by: Focuz Harris

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