Friday, December 7, 2012

SURVEY: Detroit most DANGEROUS city for Gays !?

DETROIT (CBS Detroit) - A local LGBT rights group is taking issue with a new survey that ranks Detroit as “the most dangerous U.S. city to visit for gay travelers.”

The company behind the survey, Alternative Luxury Travel by Bruvion, caters to upscale travelers ”looking for life-enriching and memorable travel experiences.” It describes Detroit as having “a slumping economy, increase in crime, high number of landmark gay bars closing and a severe lack of smart accommodations.” Dave Garca, Executive Director of Affirmations LGBT community center in Ferndale, he’d be happy to give the folks at Alternative Luxury Travel a tour of metro Detroit for a first hand look at the many positive, secure venues for gays.

  “The city of Detroit itself and the metropolitan area at large has many safe, exciting, and fun venues for the LGBT community,” Garcia said. “From Ferndale to Royal Oak to many downtown destinations like the FOX, The Detroit Opera House and sports venues. Like any city, Detroit has some areas that are safer than others.” So, why does Detroit have a bad rap when it comes to gays? Garcia points to Michigan’s state legislature and governor who, he says, “have created an anti-gay environment across the entire state.”

  “It is still legal to fire people in Michigan for being gay, we can not marry, can not adopt, and the governor signed away domestic partner benefits for LGBT public employees,” Garcia said. “Conservatives in Lansing have placed Michigan at a huge economic disadvantage as we continue to lose top LGBT talent to our neighbors by creating a hostile environment state-wide for LGBT people and they must be held accountable for it.” Meantime, the survey named Paris the “best destination for singles,” while Istanbul was called the “best destination for gays and their girlfriends.

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