Friday, November 16, 2012

J-Focuz Talks the Influence That "Opportunity" Has

Gearing up to release the project "Opportunity" next Saturday November 24th , J-Focuz sits down with Amptv to speak about the project , influences that his music has and working on songwriting and other projects like Graveyard from Bones The Massacre.

    • AMPtv: Now right now we got the man responsible for the Street classic "I Will Not Lose" and we been waiting for awhile for this project dropping next saturday"Opportunity" I mean how does it feel man to finally drop this project

      • J-Focuz: The life I lead while recording this project and a few people I met along the way are completely what made this project. Its different from my other projects becuase it has a lot more substance. Youll feel the songs if you just listen to every word I say. Each and every song is truly an OPPORTUNITY in its own right. No one specific artist motivated my music or anything I listened to a lot of rock and country tho. Life in general for me currently was a huge part of the process of creating Opportunity. The music from this project is made by the people. The people i've met, people I've seen on the news, even people i've never even met. This project is influenced solely by YOU ! There is nothing more I want from my music but to touch someone and if I did that I can truly say i've done my job. Rather it be an 8 year old kid who wants to pursue music or that mom been working so hard and she finally has the chance to get out the house from raising her kid the right way to partying hard im making the music for them.

        • AMPtv:What type of opportunity's does Jfocuz take ? Especially with a big influence music can be

          • AMPtv: Everyday life chances. Im no different from you or the person reading this. Im the type that doesnt just sit and wait for opportunity to knock. While opportunity is at my house knocking on the door im at his house taking all his shit lol  No one specific artist motivated my music or anything I listened to a lot of rock and country tho.

            • AMPtv: What are Your plans after opportunity?
              • J-Focuz: After Opps im applying pressure to the game. We're planning for a new project every six months to spend a lot of time working on other peoples projects. Im getting heavy into songwriting so im going to spend the next 6 months building J Focuz into a brand that people will recognize. Bones The Massacre is working on Graveyard so very soon we'll be in the stu working on his pproject at the same time i start working on mine. We also may have a few new additions to B.O.S.S. Status Ent so be on the look out for that as well.

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