Monday, May 7, 2012

And The Motto For Today Is: *DRUMROLL* WATCH What You WEAR!

There are three very popular clothing brands at the moment which are pushing all Illuminati and Masonic symbolism in a massive and obvious way. The names of these brands are OBEY, UNIF and Rocawear, which is owned by the Illuminati puppet Jay Z. Here I’ll show you a long list of images with designs of each brand, exposing the evil behind these companies.

I’d like to start with the brand I found last, which just by its name, one can figure out their purpose, to get you to “OBEY” the system of the Beast, obey a tyrannical Government, obey a senseless President, obey the Media telling you what to think and how to vote, obey the TV telling you what do and how to act, etc.

Here you have a shirt promoting chaos, which is exactly what the Illuminati wants in order to bring a New World Order, just like the Masonic motto says, “Ordo ab Chao”, meaning Order out of Chaos.

Notice how the guy in the shirt is covering one of his eyes just like all Illuminati puppets in the Music Industry. Not only that, but he is doing it with the Dollar sign, the god of many, symbol which has the brand’s logo at the top, which is basically a pentagram with a mean face inside.

A friend pointed out to me, that the face on the logo is that of the wrestler known as Andre the Giant. After doing some research, I realized the art was created by Shepard Fairey in 1989 as an experiment in phenomenology, the study of conscious experience, after a while, the image became known worldwide and Fairey altered it into the OBEY Giant.

[Source: Wikipedia]

The OBEY brand began using the Giant’s face inside a pentagram as their logo, which you can see a lot better on the next image. I found interesting the fact that in Scriptures it says that the giants were the offspring of the Fallen Angels, and the word used in the Bible as Giant, is the Hebrew Nephilim, which means Fallen Ones, just like Lucifer is the main fallen one. Plus the name “Andre” means Warrior and the fallen one Lucifer is coming to destroy the earth with war and pestilence through the Antichrist. Notice also how they have altered the logo in such a way so that the face in the pentagram clearly has a horn on its forehead, not only that but they also placed a crown on it, so after putting it all together, it seems like they are representing the fallen angel Lucifer, whom they worship as god/king, through rituals in which they use Pentagram.

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